5. “The Final Destination” (dir. David R. Ellis, 2009)

It will rankle more than a few fans to learn that — thanks in part to bumped up 3D ticket prices — “The Final Destination” (aka “Final Destination 4”) is actually the highest-grossing movie in the entire franchise, earning $187 million worldwide. (The next most successful, “Final Destination 5,” came short of that total by about $30 million.) Why is that a bad thing? Because everyone can agree that this flat, boring, ridiculous entry is the nadir point of the franchise, frequently tipping over into self-parody. At a way too short 82 minutes, there’s no time to latch on to this latest group of survivors, who escape a race track disaster only to get haunted by an especially cruel version of Death. In this movie, Death has evidently been replaced by the ghost of Chuck Jones, considering the supernatural murders seen here are so convoluted and physics-defying that they’re more dumb than fun.
The atrocious 3D money shots and awful CGI don’t help. Add in some terrible acting and a thin cast of characters (the worst being the racist Carter — a total stereotype that the film expects us to see as comedic relief but mostly just sucks), and you get a dull and lifeless sketch of a horror film. The greatest sin? They didn’t even bring Tony Todd back for this one. Maybe that’s for the best though, because he’s a legend that deserves better than this.
Best kill: There isn’t one, so let’s shout out the most infamous: When Andy (Andrew Fiscella) gets launched by a carbon monoxide tank into a chain link fence that slices him up like a tomato. Where were his bones? How was the fence that sharp? Your guess is as good as ours. —WC