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Support the Al-Kafarna Family’s Journey from Gaza to Safety in Egypt Amidst Regional Conflict

Mohammed’s family prepares a meal in a makeshift kitchen, a poignant moment of togetherness amidst the hardships of displacement.

A before-and-after glimpse of Mohammed’s father’s medical lab, illustrating the devastating effects of conflict on personal and community resources

The rubble of what was once Mohammed’s family home, a stark reminder of the personal toll of war.

The Al-Kafarna family seeks refuge in Egypt due to the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Help them reach safety by supporting their fundraising campaign

Securing a safe journey for our family is our priority. Your support brings us closer to safety in Egypt
— Mohammed Tariq Al-Kafarna
GAZA, GAZA STRIP, PALESTINE, April 29, 2024 / -- The Al-Kafarna family, led by Mohammed Tariq Al-Kafarna, is in dire need of support as they face the devastating consequences of the ongoing conflict in Gaza. They have launched a fundraising campaign to seek refuge and a new beginning in Egypt, away from the strife between IDF forces and Palestinian groups.

Devastation Leads to Determination

The Al-Kafarna family's home and livelihood in Gaza were destroyed in recent airstrikes, attributed to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This has compelled them to seek shelter and safety in Egypt, a country with a history of providing refuge to those displaced by conflict.

The Financial Barrier to Safety

The cost of safe passage from Gaza, exacerbated by the conflict, has reached prohibitive heights. The Al-Kafarna family is facing the challenge of securing the necessary funds to embark on their journey to Egypt, seeking stability away from the turmoil in Israel and Palestine.

Global Solidarity for the Al-Kafarna Family

The fundraising campaign for the Al-Kafarna family is a testament to the power of global solidarity in the face of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. It offers a chance for individuals around the world to contribute to the family's quest for safety and stability in the wake of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

*Join the Effort

Interested parties are encouraged to visit the campaign page to support the Al-Kafarna family's move to Egypt.

Every contribution brings them one step closer to a safer life, away from the conflict zones of Gaza and Israel.

Campaign Overview

This initiative highlights the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the broader implications of the regional conflict. It underscores the urgent need for support and the difference that collective action can make in the lives of those affected by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Mohammed Al-Kafarna
Mohammed Al-Kafarna
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A before-and-after glimpse of Mohammed’s father’s medical lab, illustrating the devastating effects of conflict on personal and community resources

The rubble of what was once Mohammed’s family home, a stark reminder of the personal toll of war.

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Distribution channels: Banking, Finance & Investment Industry, Human Rights, Politics, Social Media, World & Regional